Saturday, December 29, 2012


As we know, matter is made up of atoms which constitute of particles – protons, neutrons and electrons.  The velocity of these particles are extremely high, 960 km/sec for an electron and 84000 km/sec for a proton or neutron. It is seen that when the ‘space of captivity’ gets smaller, the particles get more virulent and its velocity, as a result, increases. The activity takes place inside an atom which is in fact, a void of sorts. In other words, matter which is defined by its shape and robustness is actually an empty space where particles move around at astronomically high velocities! That is equivalent to saying that the stillness of matter is unreal. Everything keeps on changing.

Even the Sanskrit word samsara means ‘continuous movement’. According to Quantum Physics, the ‘wave characteristics’ of particle is causing the dynamics of matter. The Relativity Theory too endorses this view. The intrinsic dynamism is the prime characteristics of matter. The Universe is never static.  It is always in dynamic equilibrium, but we can’t see it through. The problem is with our seeing. We just can’t see beyond the stillness of things around us. The intrinsic dynamism is the same even when the magnitude is changed from micro to macro. Planets, stars, galaxies….all follow a similar pattern. The hydrogen gas found in inter-stellar space revolves around a point turning into a star. The infinitesimal neutron which has a velocity of 84000 km/sec in the nucleus to the un-imaginably large galaxy which moves (away) at the speed of light follow a certain cosmic order.
Theory of relativity conclusively proved that matter is energy solidified. That is, matter can be converted into any form of energy within the law of conservation. Nobel laureate Dr. S.Chandrasekhar discovered that matter is formed when two strong gravitational fields collide. This holds good in the reverse order too. In the first case, when two gravitational fields collide, energy gets transformed into matter. In the second case, when sub-atomic particles collide they are destroyed on account of the collision itself but their mass is turned mainly into kinetic energy and the rest (of the energy) gets distributed among other particles on the collision path.

Well, you have a pretty good grasp over the relationship between matter and energy.
Now, what would be relationship between Energy and Mind?
Extending this question, how is Matter related to Mind?
Can anybody find an equation?
(The probable answer, you guessed it ….is a simple NO)
Modern day cosmologists have inferred that universe comes into being from “Big Bang Singularity” and it is going to end up in “Big Crunch Singularity”. Again there would be a Big-Bang and the process goes on, never-ending. Cosmologists don’t have any idea of the happenings immediately preceding the Big-Bang and what follows just after the Big-Crunch. However, Vendanta talks about such a state, named ‘avyakta’. It is a constant. Avyakta survives everything. ..permeates through Big-Bangs and Big-Crunchs….
Kalpa (the period between a Big-Bang and a Big-Crunch) may come and Kalpa go, but Avyakta goes on forever. We just can’t quantify Avyakta with our meager measuring instruments, i.e., the sense-organs.
The physicists are now convinced that particles are no basic building blocks and they are energy packets, just interacting patterns in time and space. In the gross world, the concept of matter makes sense, but it does not have much significance in the subtle plane. Quantum Theory proved that the patterns are inseparable, they are inter-related. The particles are just a state. They are an event. As we have seen in S-Matrix theory, the observer and the observed are no separate entities.
SreeNarayana Guru says it all…….,
“Srushtiyum Srustaavayathum Srushtijaalavum Srushtikkulla Saamagriyaayathum
We tend to see only the srushtijaalam part which is the product of the Mind.

Both Modern Physics and Vedanta converge at the point that everything in the universe is inter-related and inter-dependent. There is an underlying order (Rithm) which is revealed to us through close observation.
You have to set your attitude and style of functioning as per this.
Finding the superiority of a stream, either Vedanta or Modern Physics over the other, is not my purpose.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It moves, It moves not
It is very far, And it is very near
It is inside the jagat, it is outside of it
As well.

R.B.Bhaskaran - "Cat & Birds"
 - mixed media on board

Though a samsari (ordinary folks who are  never worried about the higher purpose of existence) cannot make-out anything out of it, the Scientists are capable of deciphering. They use similar language to describe the quantum states of particles inside an atom and of course, Time & Space. Our grasp of the Universe with its three dimensions, Time, Space and Energy is no longer applicable in a situation when the fourth dimension, Mind is taken into account. We take Time and Space as separate entities which in the real case are a continuum. It’s an illusion that we experience Time and Space separately. Error, that is. Just  Maya. Nataraja Guru defines Maya as Universal possibility for error.

Time  itself  is not absolute. An event cannot be marked at a definite location. It is purely subjective and varies according to the observer. The position and speed of the observer are decisive. No natural phenomena is permanent. Everything varies as Time and Space are subjective.

r.b.bhaskaran - Untitled - Oil on paper

The Relativity Theory says that Universe has a beginning and an end. We know that an atom is an empty space, more or less. The constituent particles of an atom move at a very high speed. In essence, Matter is made up of atoms and objects are an array of atoms. What appear to us as shape and stillness (of an object), its essential characteristics, is nothing but a void. At the same time, the dynamic activity inside an atom gives the object its identity (called satta in Sanskrit). Vibrating motion is the basic cause of satta.The nuclear structure of an atom determines its uniqueness. Nothing stays static around us. Nothing is inactive. Everything in the Universe is in a dance, except perhaps, homo-sapiens.  Each dancer is synchronized perfectly with others. One cannot single out an individual dancer to study the secrets of synchronization. The bonding between them is to be focused first.

r b bhaskaran

Modern Physics is not yet successful in unrevealing the secrets of Cosmic Dance. The scientists cannot fully explain the interactive process of the particle world. It manifests itself in two states at the same time, in electromagnetic waves and as quantum packets. The electromagnetic waves are not three dimensional as we see on the surface of water, but “probability waves” which have all the characteristics of three-dimensional waves. It is just the probability of the particles to appear at a particular position in Space at a definite point in Time. We just cannot predict an event with respect to particles accurately. Only the possibility can be given.
Probability waves alone are not sufficient when the energy involved is quite high. Take the case for example, the particle attaining a velocity near to that of light. Only Relativity Theory can explain the situation. According to RT, the mass of a particle increases as its velocity increases. When the velocity approaches that of light, mass becomes infinite. We just can’t imagine this.

r b bhaskaran

According to Vedanta, Time & Space is the creation of Mind. Past and future do not exist. Nor does an individual. These are only surface-realities. The universe, its countless galaxies, stars, Earth and of course, you and me included. We get our character due to our inter-relation and inter-dependence with everything outside of us. It is impossible to make a demarcation between the observed, observer and the process of observation. (Triputy in Sanskrit). Strictly speaking, one is not observing, but participating.  The process influences the characteristics of the observed. In the end , the participator becomes one with the other two . 

Triputi gets dissolved.
Everything becomes One.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Thus Spake Modern Physics

The stars are in a dance, sort of eternal, which permeates through its birth and death. This is what Dr.Subramaniam Chandrasekhar said in 1920 for which he was awarded the Nobel in 1983. The Supernova explodes, giving birth to myriad stars and planets. Now that Stephen Hawkins charts the evolution of the Black Hole into Naked Singularity, the Chandrasekhar Theory is convincingly proved.

Akkitham Vasudevan - Grid of fire ...Animals

Everything in the Universe is in a dance; Energy Dance that is. The eternal dance is powered by Gravitational force, Electromagnetic force, Weak nuclear force and Strong nuclear force. The first one is the weakest of all, though it has no limits. The force of attraction between particles gets summed up to form the gravitational force. This is applicable to all astro-bodies. The planets revolve around the stars, get flocked into a galaxy due to gravitational force. What’s more, you’re walking on this planet, thanks to “g”. Now, consider the electromagnetic force. It is 1039 times powerful than “g” and is also infinite in range.Weak Nuclear Force is 1025 times powerful compared to ‘g’. Similarly Strong Nuclear Force is 1040 times.

Akkitham Vasudevan - - River of Fire

In the beginning, at the unimaginably high temperature that prevailed, all these forces were inseparable. As the temperature came down, the primal force split into four as said above. If we were able to integrate them, the secrets of creation would be revealed. We have already seen that two of them – electromagnetic force and weak nuclear forces - can be unified (Electroweak Theory).The experiment s conducted at CERN (Centre for European Nuclear Research) proved it conclusively. However, the Grand Unified Theory is destined to remain elusive for two reasons,

1        Creating the Big-Bang temperature on Earth is impossible.
2        A ‘Particle Accelerator ‘as large as the Sun is more than impossible.

Akkitham Vasudevan - No hope to escape

So far, the effort closest to the integration, known as Boot Strap Theory is formulated by Geoffrey Chew.  He envisages the Universe as a web of dynamic, inter-related, inter-dependent events. David Bohm based the Boot-Strap Theory to study the relationship between Matter, Energy and Mind. He found out that the Universe is an organic whole, seamlessly integrated and hence complete in every way. There does exist something which holds the Center together. The “something” envelopes the Universe and penetrates through. The characteristics of something is similar everywhere. Bohm further says that Matter and Mind are inter-dependent, inter-related and enfolded in each other. The Dynamic Web of Relationships should be connected together so as to make it functional.  And who is doing this job?

In Vedanta, there is a word earmarked for the purpose – Consciousness. It does.

Akkitham Vasudevan -Untitled - Water colour on paper

We can say something very similar to what is written below.

Chew + Bohm Vedanta
Sensory inputs + Mind + Prana  = Matter 

The Consciousness is SAT (‘unnma’ in Malayalam) of every being. SAT experiences on its own. The Universe manifests through Consciousness.  It can’t be seen by the eyes, but it is the cause behind vision. It can’t be heard by the ears, but it is the cause behind hearing. It can’t be analysed by the mind but it makes all analyses possible. That is,

SAT is the eye of the eye, ear of the ear and mind of the mind.
It (TAT) is beyond the known and the unknown.

Vasudevan Akkitham - Untitled - Water Colour on paper

Thursday, September 27, 2012


The Beginning (Contd.)

What is the nature of this Universe? How did it get originated?

Both Modern Physics and Vedanta try to try to resolve these eternal queries. The primal cause is the same. Modern Physics call it ‘Singularity” (primordial matter / atom) whereas according to Vedantins, its Brahma.

Anuradha Nalapat -"Tree of Life" -Oil on canvas- 2010

The Scientists use instruments like spectroscopes, particle accelerators, state-of –the- art telescopes to observe gross and subtle matter. The inference (knowledge) is recorded in Mathematical language. A mathematical model is simulated. This model is made use of in predicting results of future experiments. The experiment should validate the theory. In such a case, it can be written in ordinary language and explained. Interestingly, the Vedantins never look outwards. They turn their attention to their self in a meditative state. This cannot be achieved overnight. One has to take efforts , like a Scientist , diligently over a long period. Strangely enough, both Physicists and Vedantins emphatically converge at a starting point which they find non-dual. See how they wrote it down.
Anuradha Nalapat--"Whoa! Its the edge"- Oil on canvas -2009

Let us have a look first at the Shantimantra of Easavasyopanishad. It correlates between the visible Universe and invisible Brahma. The translation goes something like this…

In the beginning (pralaya), there was only Brahma. The thing is complete in itself. Thus from the cause of Brahma, the effect of Universe takes place which is also complete in itself. Like a burning lamp. You light another one and it does not anyway diminish the completeness of the former. The second one is equally complete so that you can’t even distinguish. Brahma remains in its completeness evenif you destroy what is created.

Anuradha Nalapat - "Wham ! Wham!"- Oil on canvas -2010

Now see how this can be written down in Maths which is the language of Modern Physics.

Just substitute Completeness (1) with Nothingness (0)

0 – 0 = 0
0 + 0 = 0
∞- ∞ = 0
∞ + ∞ = 0
∞ + n = ∞
∞ - n = ∞
n x ∞ = ∞

(Note: when you substitute completeness with sunya (not just zero as we did for Nothingness, but Boolean Zero), we arrive at the Buddhist Philosophy. The ultimate Truth is Sunyatha which is Brahman itself . It is life and it is ananda. Sunyatha is nothing but ananda.

Anuradha Nalapat -"Whoa ! Whoa !" - Oil on canvas - 2010
Now its time we listened to US scientist Edward Tryon who formulated the theory Vacuum Genesis. Everything originated from Nothingness, he also says. A particle which is astronomically heavy can emerge from Vacuum, he adds. Do you think it is well-neigh impossible? Not so !You know that, as per the law of conservation of Energy, the total energy in the Universe is zero. Add up the energy during Big-Bang, light energy from stars, energy equivalent of the mass (of stars as well as planets) and what you get is a huge positive figure. The omnipresent gravitational force is negative. If you take Earth or any other object, the potential of the gravitational field will be equal to its energy equivalent. That is, the two positive and negative figures cancel out each other.
In such a situation, what is the hitch in emerging of a Universe out of nothing?

In a nutshell, we have our Universe well before Big-Bang! Its quite possible.


Thursday, August 30, 2012


The Beginning

According to Theory of Relativity, Time and Space are relative depending on the speed of motion of the observer. They are inextricably linked together. It is impossible to separate one from the other. It proved useful in dealing particularly with objects of astronomically huge dimensions.  Quantum Physics, on the other hand, deals eminently with infinitesimal spaces like constituents of an atom where principles of classical physics are not valid. It is impossible to simultaneously measure the speed and position of a particle accurately at any given time. Quantum physics express itself only in terms of statistical probability. Besides, ‘cause & effect’ which is the ‘corner stone’ of classical physics cannot be applied to microscopic spaces.

B.M.Kamath - "Glocal Play"- water colour on paper

The classical physicists believed that Man is free and delinked from Nature and hence the process of ‘observation’ is entirely objective. In reality, there is no such ‘observation’ possible in micro-level. The process of observation seems somehow to alter the results. It may sometimes show the characteristics of a wave and, at other times, the characteristics of a particle Strangely enough, the so-called characteristic is fully dependent on the way in which we look at the particle. That is, the characteristic is dependent on the ‘observer’. Both Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics confirm this inference. The ‘observer’ is an integral part of the ‘observed’. Quantum Physics further states that the very act of ‘observing’ itself changes the truth about the ‘observed’.

Matter is not confined to a form! Its just invisible vibrations of energy in the Quantum field! Well, this is equivalent to saying that there is no fundamental difference between matter and ‘void’. Rather, ‘void’ is so full of ‘quantum activity’ where virtual particles are generated and degenerated. The ’Super String Theory’ tried to connect Time, Space and Matter. According to the ‘Theory of Chaos’, matter is capable of self-organising.  In other words, Matter is not just a ‘dead entity’ without ‘life’ as the old guard from Aristotle to Newton thought of, but it is “full of activity” and creative enough to organizing itself. In fact, sub-atomic particles are not Matter, they can be better expressed in relationships. There is no existence for a single sub-atomic particle. It cannot be understood such a way. We have got to observe the interaction between them. It is the ‘Whole’ that decides. This is not Rig Veda, but Quantum Physics.

V.Ramesh - "Be Still" - oil on canvas (2011)

Of course, Rig Veda has very many mantras expressing similar content.  See how it interprets the beginning….

There wasn’t any Sat (the feeling of self), nor Asat
No air and no Akaasa
No death, No immortality
No signs of day and night
Tat Ekam….. (It was just One)
Without any demarcation marks, like water
Covered with silence,
Transformed into Sat due to its own intrinsic worth
Into this Sat, the first trace of kama (desire) crept in
Thus the first beeja evolved from Mind.

Both Modern Physics and Vedanta don’t envisage an external power as the creator of the Universe. There is no such thing in static state according to both. Everything is dynamic and subjected to change. Jagat, the synonym in Sanskrit for Brahmanda, i.e., the consortium of planets, stars and its various life-forms, mean “always changing” literally.

Modern Cosmology states that the Universe has got starting and end-points. It is expanding as well. Sir.Bernard Lowell first formulated this model which he called ”the oscillating Universe”. According to this view, the Universe started expanding about 1400 billion years ago and when it reaches a certain stage, it changes into reverse gear and starts contracting! To put differently, starting as well as end-points of the Universe are the same! Only the names are different. The first one is called the “Big Bang Singularity” and the other is “Big Crunch Singularity”. (British Mathematician Dr. Roger Penrose researched in Theory of Relativity and arrived at “Big Crunch Singularity”). Time & Space occurred with Big-Bang and the Universe started evolving in it. However, the current indications are that the universe keeps expanding at an ever increasing rate without ending in a Big Crunch. But one can’t be sure!

At the point of “Big Bang Singularity”, all forces were unified with the result that the forces acting on matter (and matter itself) could not be separated from one another. Later on, the forces split into four, namely, gravitational force, electro-magnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force.  Physicists have been so far successful in integrating two of them, i.e. weak and strong nuclear forces. (Dr. Steven Weinberg, Dr. Glashow and Dr. Abdusalaam). Physicists believe that the Universe can be explained if they become successful in integrating all the four forces.

Vedanta calls it just “Prapancha Leela”. Take a balloon. Mark two dots on it with ink. Start inflating it. The dots evidently move apart. When the balloon is full, you open its mouth. After some time, the balloon reaches its original size. What is actually happening?  Are the dots are moving apart or falling together? What is the ultimate idea of inflation / deflation? How is it getting inflated / deflated ?

Let us keep our fingers crossed for the long awaited theory of the Scientists, “The Theory of Everything”.

V.Ramesh -"Myanmar Musings"-oil on canvas (66 x 64")

Monday, July 30, 2012



If one starts inquiring about the origin of the Universe through Modern Physics, one is likely to land up in Vedanta. Atleast the inquirer gets fully convinced that both Modern Physics and Vedanta search for the primal cause of the sight and sound around us. Go deep into it and you reach at a point where Modern Physics perhaps meets a blind-alley whereas the road is long and unwinding for the other. End of veda,i.e., knowledge. Nothing left to learn anymore.

The Vedas (BC 1000-500) are older than Greek philosophy but remained unknown, lest for the efforts taken by the Mughal emperors.The Upanishads were getting translated into Persian thanks to the effort  first taken by Akbar the Great. By the middle of 17th century, Dara (Shajahan’s son and Aurangazeb’s elder bother) commissioned scholars and 50 Upanishads got translated from Sanskrit to Persian. Later, the manuscripts were handed over to a French Scholar, Anquetil Du Perron, who was doing research in India on comparative eastern religion. He translated these volumes into Latin by 1775. From there it found its way to German,translated first by Rover and then prominently by Max Muller (1879-1884). The various English versions were based on third-time distanced German mainly.

Inverted Tree -Arun Kumar H.G.- Digital painting - 61 x 152 cm

In Greek, “physis” means the true structure of (of matter). The Greek philosophers, especially of the Militian stream believed that matter had life. Everything, in motion or stationary in state, has got God’s radiance by default. The ancient Greek philosophers had had the swing of things; they didn’t find any difference between Man and Nature.

“Just as Man breathes, the Universe also breathes ; it has got life.” Anaximander (BC 624- 547)

“The substratum of everything is Air.” Anaximenes (BC 585 – 525)

“Everything flows.” Heraclitus (BC 530- 470)

The Silence of the Other End - Arun Kumar H.G.

The Greek thinkers of the Militian stream believed that the Universe, dynamic in nature, came into being on its own. The ideas put forward by these Greek thinkers were relegated into background when Aristotle ((BC 384 – 323) arrived. He believed that Man and Nature were separate entities. Perhaps Aristotle had the longest ever influence, 2000 years long, on Western Philosophy and Science. Even the religious views of Christianity were negatively affected. The fundamental error was that of overlooking the symbiotic relationship between Nature and Man. Everything was put into slots. The Western philosophy was getting oriented towards Duality. Matter was separated from movement. However, the motion of Sun and planets didn’t pose a problem. It was God’s handiwork, after all !

The Lord exerts an initial force on them to start the game!

Fortune Teller -Arun Kumar H.G.- 226 x 122 x 71cm

The Renaissance period, though it had a re-reading of all philosophies, followed the Eleatic path, in effect. The Classical Physics was born. Western mainstream philosophies had its origin and growth directly linked to Classical Physics.

With Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650), the divide between Matter & Energy (chaitanya) , Man & Nature becomes complete. The Cartesian Division, that is. Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) who came next reinforced and fortified the straight-jacketed view about the Universe. He wrote in his famous work Principia,

..the Universe containing planets etc. is like a huge clock, which has been winded by God…..Things ranging from miniscule atom to massive star were static and remained stationary until God gave them a decisive push….This led to the origin of life….His role ended with this and God made a graceful exit…..Then on , everything followed certain rules (strictly) and the Universe came into being………where there is no space for uncertainty…..Everything can be explained through cause & effect…..

Newton’s Cartesian thinking had its influence on the Western culture. In fact, the guiding force of Industrial Revolution was the philosophy based on Cartesian Thinking. Man was placed at the center of the Universe and Nature was for harnessing ! Wealth generation was supposed to be the most important activity in human life. The Steam-engine was invented and steam – ships were built. Several inventions later, the purpose of human existence was converged into a single point. Wealth creation.

The standards were defined accordingly. The area of land or the quantity of gold one possessed armed one with power and respectability. All creatures including men and women were reduced to machines. (Scientists like Richard Dawkins were partially responsible for this because they were the ones who applied Cartesian thinking to Life-sciences). Human values got weakened. Man was destined to create wealth without any space for creativity and individuality.

The people who subscribed to this world-view were quite aggressive. They didn’t spare the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America who had a rich heritage and culture of their own. The colonization yoke was thrust upon them resulting in alienation. They were forced to adopt the Western ways .The British rule of 200 years weaned away Indians from their 5000 year old ‘philosophy of answers’. Buddhist and Tao philosophies of the Orient also had to take the beating. These philosophies never pictured God as a powerful and separate arbitrator whereas the Occidental ones did exactly that ! Isaac Newton himself had stated that his laws of motion belonged to God !

Stone Soup Maker - Arun Kumar H.G.- 140 x 53 x 56 cm

This view was quite contrary to the Systems Thinking of the East which didn’t differentiate Man & Nature. The Universe itself was a singular being. The new-found Western Thought divided Humanity into nations, races, class, political groups etc. The root-cause of all troubles of today– social, economic, cultural and environmental – is just this compartmentalization and nothing else.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


The Systems Thinking

Have you got an idea what ‘holistic view’ is all about? If you have an interest in Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Spirituality etc. this word is oft-repeated. Its nothing but a bird’s eye-view. You take everything into account instead of concentrating on just one part. The road ahead with markers is in full view as well as the shanties by the side of it. Are you inclined to believe that it is just impossible to live without free-ways and fast lanes?  In that case, you can’t afford to slow down. It is an offense too! In short, you can’t afford to look sideways…you are in a race. Well, join the race, if you feel like, And be prepared to face the risks involved.

K.P.Reji- "Taste Seller"

If you enter a race, you are bound to miss all flowers and greenery.

A race-horse jockey with his eyes covered with blinkers! Having said this, let me explain Holistic View as clear frontal vision with equally clear side and rear vision, while you are on a mission.

 The System Thinking has been developed from the Holistic View. The System is a mechanism which is complete in itself.  It can have an input and output and various parameters for control. The output can even be the input for another system. I other words, while being complete in itself, a system can be a part of a greater system.

Imagine a circle. Draw another circle with the same centre and larger radius. Draw yet another. Each circle is complete in its own way, sharing the same centre and enclosed in other larger circles.

The Systems Thinking is diametrically opposite to the cartitian thinking put forward by Rene Descartes. (1596-1650). The cartitian coordinates tend to reduce everything into basic building blocks. According Descartes and his innumerable followers, the Universe can be compared to a well-built house. Obviously, its foundation should be really strong. The Systems Thinking negates this and refutes the idea that Science needs a solid base! Nobody believes anymore that the Universe is a massive house and there is any such thing called its foundation. The old metaphor of the House is already replaced by the new concept of ‘Net’. Where is the relevance of foundation in a Net/Web?

K.P.Reji- No Place to Die

However, Descartes has already had his toll. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) compared the Universe with a clock. William Harvey (1578-1657) who detailed the Blood Circulation again equated the human body to a machine. The organs were just part of it. The heart was an efficient, high capacity pump. Antony Lavosier, adjudged as the Father of Modern Chemistry, reduced the human breathing to a process of oxidation. Even now, Descartes makes a remnant impact and many scientists believe that Natural Sciences can be explained with laws of physics and chemistry!  If at all, these biological processes can be explained only with Systems Thinking. For the simple reason that everything we see around us is a system by itself. Systems Thinking could be extended to Engineering, Management, Cybernetics etc., to name a few. Probably by now, you might have got a grip on techie-terms such as Systems Engineering, Systems Management and Systems Analysis.

The unique characteristic of a system is that of interconnectivity and inter-dependence.
See the figure. As we said earlier, a system has got several sub-systems. The Biological system is given below.
Starting with











K.P.Reji-To Move the Mountains- Oil on canvas - 2009

We can see that each of these systems, while complete in itself is part of a bigger system. The system can be physical, biological or societical. All the three are interconnected and inter-dependant. For structuring the economy or anything  better, Systems Analysis is a pre-requisite. First, you are going to find out the inter-relations and subsequently, you are to integrate it. A unified mode is not possible in any other way. The Whole determines the characteristics of the Part! Take sugar for example. It contains Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. None of these elements has the characteristic that is unique to sugar - i.e., sweetness. According to cartitian thinking, the complexity of any system can be fully analysed by breaking it into constituent parts. In fact, if you do so, the characteristic of a system is bound to loose, forever. The Nature cannot be broken into separate parts like forest, rivers, deserts etc. Conversely, if you add up all these, the sum is not Nature! It’s an organic whole. Experiments carried out in particle physics have proved that sub-atomic particles have no separate entity and they should be expressed as relationships. Extrapolating this, we should say that the Universe is not the sum-total of its constituent parts. Science cannot exist by itself, it is also inter-related and inter-dependant. Science is a system. Quantum Physics has already proved that sub-atomic particles are just networked patterns. No use breaking an atom into its constituent parts, because, you just can’t add it up to get back the original entity.  It is an absurdity too, a networked pattern cannot be added up.
Our Universe is a Web, a Web of Life, a Web of Relationships.

Saturday, May 26, 2012



If you happen to meet ‘Chellaachi’ (an acronym for Chellamma Chechi ) , chance is that you’ll never keep her in memory. She has such common features. Dressed in blouse and lungi, decoloured and torn due to over usage ...slender malnourished frame….two teeth protruding outside from the front row. Yet she had the  grace which made her dearer to people. She was a coir worker, ratt-operator, to be precise. She rotated the device by hand at variable speeds. Her day started when perumeen (Venus) made its appearance at the sky during the pre-dawn hours. Chellaachi and her peers had almost entirely depended on nature to have an idea about time. She used to get ready in less than half an hour and started the daily grind by day-break! Sweeping the sprawling front and back-yards of a couple of dominant households of the village was the first activity. (The schedule continued even after she turned seventy).

Muralidharan K.
Chellaachi’s husband Valladan died many decades back. He was almost immobile on account of his various illnesses and Chellachi was looking after him. Still he had the nerve to go out when the government offered freebies to men undergoing vasectomy operation. There was of course the prime-attraction, the cash-component which he couldn't resist and lesser offers like a plastic bucket and a generous gift of condoms. Valladan kept the money and bucket  for himself and distributed the condoms that the government had given him. The couple had three children, Ponnappan, Jagathran and Ponnamma with a couple of year’s difference in age in between. Jagathran had a huge head oversized belly, thin hands and weak legs almost unable to carry his torso. He was perpetually hungry and even ate soil when nobody was watching him. It was a disease.  With unkempt hair and unclean bodies, Ponnappan and Jagathran watched us playing. The brothers were unwelcome to our fold. To add insult to injury, we made fun of them.

Ponnappa, shall I write alphabets on your legs….Hari…Sree…

His skin was so dry that if some pointed object had a brush over it, it made a distinct mark.
Jagathran died an early death. His meagre body was kept on a plantain-leaf. Chellaachi cried non-stop, almost uncontrollably.

Muralidharan K.
Chellaachi and other working women always had to face the bitter side of life. They were not enlightened or wise people but they never complained. In contrast my mother with a far better upbringing made her displeasure known, always. I often wondered why Chellaachy didn’t get angry like my mom. She should have, in fact. I haven’t heard her telling any lousy remarks about others either. Including her employer Sarada, the entrepreneur-cum-worker of the four-woman coir spinning unit. Just to ward off the monotony of work, they often invented spicy stories about men and women of the village.  Who is love with whom….who is having an extra marital affair with whom…who got red-handed in the act and so on. Chellaachy never got amused. In fact, she disliked gossiping.

Saradechy finds fault in everything, even in a flying bird..
She once told me.

Chellaachy and people like her always listened and never reacted. A deadly indifference in matters directly affecting their lives. She earned Rs.22 as wages in her heydays for the nine-hour grind. Health problems were too common. Skin, lungs and bones were permanent sources of worry. They didn’t have any sort of Social-security net. No betterment of working conditions. No rise. No retirement benefits. No, nothing. And still they didn’t complain. They worked, took care of their husbands and children and cared little for their own existence.

Political parties often declared stoppage of work and Chellaachy would cool off her heels sitting at home. She never failed to participate in striking. If you ask her why, she would draw a blank.


Chellaachy , do you have anything to eat?

She would grin again with all those disarrayed teeth. She was going to bear with this one too. After several rounds of hullaballoo the government would announce a rise in minimum-wages of Rs.2 per day.

For Chellaachy, it is an investment opportunity and there was no question of wavering regarding the parking of money. The kudukka was her safety vault. As her booty grew to a formidable hundred, someone in dire straits was destined to approach her with a pressing demand. ..hospitalisation, house-repair or a business purpose soft-loan . More often than not, Chellaachy’s formidable hundred would vanish into thin air.

Untitled- K.G Subramanyam- gouache and crayon on paper

I met her recently and she was still active in spite of her advanced age. Keeping afloat on her own. During the evenings she gave company to a widow in the neighbourhood.
A hurriedly prepared dinner for both with fish curry , rice, rasam  and then its serial time. Chellaachy squats on the floor but never really watches the mini screen. She is in a quasi-state between sleep and wakefulness.

A completely black and white world where colours have no significance.

Monday, April 30, 2012


The Home-Grown Artists

Even our obscure village had its share of performing artists. One or two writers too. These people were given special status and were accommodated in the front row during weddings.  The venue would be the bride’s place, normally. People crammed into the space around the house breathing fresh air scented with agarbathis, panineer , cigarette-smoke and  jasmine flowers. Ladies were keen to border their hairdo with jasmine flowers. The tang of the back-waters added to this melee. Then, the hearty smell cooking rice ….like a shaft of sunlight through early morning mist. It buoyed us up. The artists were quite satisfied with the adulation they received in such gatherings.

Aziz T.M. - Untitled

My earliest remembrance is about a couple of Kathakali artists. My grandfather’s younger cousin was a popular artist. He was already past his prime and had almost retired from active stage when I was still a child. I had a faint memory of him walking across the audience to reach the stage which was at the ground level itself. Probably Balivijayam, now I deduct, as it had heavy fights which scared the hell out of me. Krishnan Kutty, a soft-spoken villager was another artist who had lesser roles but a regular.  I tried to identify him while performing but always drew a blank. None of my classmates could. So we did the next best thing to release our frustration;  we made a very poor rendering of alarcha ….."Okya"……whenever  Sivankutty, his son was around. To our dismay,  Sivankutty took our pranks always in his stride.

V.Sambasivan, the man who brought Shakespeare to the semi-literate coir workers made a cascading effect throughout Onattukara. Anybody who could memorize a three hour long story and give an output as a potpourri of music, mono-act and mimicry turned celebrities overnight. A class-mate of mine, Subhagan and his sister Sudheera, formed a Kathaprasamgam duo and started giving performances. Unlike Sambasivan who always depended on well-known literary works, the duo took off-beat themes from the Puranas. My paternal uncle, Sadanandan developed them, wrote the text and the lyrics. He was a primary-school teacher preferred to work in the more pristine environs of punchappaadams of Kuttanaad. The spare time was spent in writing plays, ballets, kathaprasangam and even Ottanthullal. He wrote “Mahabali Vaikundathil” exclusively for the duo. The brother –sister duo learnt everything by heart, the text, expressions and even the gestures. Here is Mahabali taking a long trip from Paathalam to the abode of Mahavishnu to ask him a couple of questions. “Thrikkunnappuzha Sadanandan” as my uncle was popularly known always thought there was more to puraanas than met the eye. He didn’t make his students uneasy by teaching stories like Mahabali and Ekalavya verbatim. The Maha Bali he created ventured out from the dungeons to meet the Lord on a one-to-one basis. The injustice done to him was questioned.

"Man" - Aziz T.M.- water colour on paper - 2000

Punnachchirayil Bharathan , yet another  villager (and father of Subhagan and Sudheera) vowed to take Mahabali to the stage. Bharathan was not exactly comfortable enough to do so. He had been falsely implicated in a police-case and was finding it difficult to make both ends meet. In one of the rarest of rare cases of burglary that happened in our village, the house-owner said that he heard a voice similar to that of Bharathan. The police whisked him away in no time and he was at the receiving end of their hospitality for a while. It took its toll years later when he developed TB, a dreaded disease in those days. Bharathan looked frail and unhealthy though he smiled refreshingly always.

So, I placed myself behind the stage when the when the brother-sister duo was replaying Mahabali Vailkundathil. I had a better idea of their memory-hardware than their father!  As expected, Subhagan would suddenly draw a blank but his sister managed.  When Sudheera’s chip failed, it caused a shut-down! The Harmonist could buy time by playing a basic note repeatedly but there was the limit. Bharathan who handled percussion used to get furious, giving a strong pinch each time at his daughter’s bottom. Then he prompted the remaining text.

It was a hilarious sight to me!

I had a personal score to settle with them…While I was about to take exams in the second standard, combat-ready with my slate and its compatible pencil, Subhagan came rushing and staked a claim on my pencil. In fact the slate-pencil was a present from my mother. I treasured it so much that I used it only for writing exams. When I refused to part with it, Subhagan came back with his sister and confiscated the writing instrument. She substituted it with a cheaper one. Surprisingly, the lost property was found in a couple of hours’ time and I immediately rushed out to prove my innocence. There at the ferry, I stood standstill …late by a whisker.

Hey Subhagan…Here is your pencil …Now return mine

I yelled.

Sudheera was diplomatic.

Don’t worry;  we shall get a new one for you.

She never did.

Ah yes. Thrikkunnappuzha Sadanandan wrote ballets too. After the initial run of popular puranic stories, he veered towards the off-beat. He wrote one with Karnan in the lead. The hero had rebellious elements in him who always argued for his limitations. Naturally nobody was prepared to produce it and thus he found his own ballet-troup “Kerala Nrtha Kala Kshetram”. Karnan Ballet was its first production and was inaugurated by writer Kakkanadan. Karnan Ballet ran into full night and one such programme was enough to keep the village folk engaged. Armed with the success of his maiden production, my uncle went on to write “Ravanan Ballet”. Here, Ravanan was not an anti-hero, he was the real hero. Even managing Rambhapraesham without the guilt element. In the end, the war seemed unstoppable as Ravana used Chandrahasam to counter Rama’s missiles. Lord Shiva appeared in the climax scene to declare Ravana couldn’t be vanquished, making it a win-win situation.

Ravunni Aasan who later enacted Aravindan’s Kummaatti was a prominent player in all his ballets. Barring a couple of professionals like him, the rest of the artists were picked up from farmers, fish-mongers and the like. One had to walk the way to Unneedaparambil, have tea and just ask for a role. Previous experience or training no bar. The deal was struck minus the signing amount. The returns would be nil or very nearly equal to that!

Ravanan Ballet costed my uncle dearly. He had to sell off major chunk of his property to pay off debts. Still he managed to produce more, till the fag-end of his life.

My own maternal uncle, Vijayappan who joined the movies after rechristening his name as ‘Thrikkunnappuzha Vijayakumar’ was a writer of sorts. He never completed matriculation, in fact he got fed up with studies when he failed to make it at the eighth standard more than once. Even with such academic credentials, he managed to write a play and got sponsors to stage it as well.  He authored and published a book “Thyaga Hema”. You guessed it right; Hema is the name of the heroine, an embodiment of all virtues and qualities of the world!  She has been treated very badly by life but she refuses to give up selflessness. (Hence the prefix!). You guessed it right again, she is afflicted by TB and dies a tear-jerker death. My uncle wrote under the pseudo name,  K.V.Thoppil , as it was fashionable to write under such exotic names those days.

The opening lines of his novel went like this…

“Khora khora bhayankaramaya mazhayum pemarium…..”

There weren’t any takers for his novel and the debts were mounting. The practice of writing-off NPA was not in vogue then. The only escape-route left was to make a bee-line to Madras city without a train –ticket and resurface at Kodambakkam. He did all sorts of odd jobs there, slowly climbing up the ladder. Producing and directing a film was his most cherished dream. A variant of Thyaga Hema was already in mind.  He was sure to script his magnum-opus someday and had the title ready,  “Beena”. Whenever he came home during breaks between assignments, he worked on the script. There was a friendly toddy-shop by the river which used to come alive during the evenings and it doubled as his studio. Obviously he worked during the day-time. Hangers-on watched him at work were given free welcome-drinks. However, they were in no mood to desert him and continued to give him company till he called it a day. He did manage to make the film which had a star-studded cast with Jayabharathi ,Sathar , Unnimery  etc, in leading roles. The music by Kannur Rajan was excellent. Beena was released in the late seventies (alongwith a Kamala Haasan movie “Eetta” directed by I.V.Sasi). Yes, Beena failed miserably at the box-office. All of us expected that he would come back to our native place as a pauper. It never happened. He had married too, a nice girl from the tinsel-town, who stood by him through thick and thin. He pulled on at Madras with his family. Though he quit the film-field, he did odd jobs again to support his wife and two daughters. He too had a refreshing smile on his face, always.

I met him recently and I felt happy by his mere presence. His wife was there too, supplementing to it, gracefully. There wasn’t any need to talk.

Everything was taken care of.