Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It moves, It moves not
It is very far, And it is very near
It is inside the jagat, it is outside of it
As well.

R.B.Bhaskaran - "Cat & Birds"
 - mixed media on board

Though a samsari (ordinary folks who are  never worried about the higher purpose of existence) cannot make-out anything out of it, the Scientists are capable of deciphering. They use similar language to describe the quantum states of particles inside an atom and of course, Time & Space. Our grasp of the Universe with its three dimensions, Time, Space and Energy is no longer applicable in a situation when the fourth dimension, Mind is taken into account. We take Time and Space as separate entities which in the real case are a continuum. It’s an illusion that we experience Time and Space separately. Error, that is. Just  Maya. Nataraja Guru defines Maya as Universal possibility for error.

Time  itself  is not absolute. An event cannot be marked at a definite location. It is purely subjective and varies according to the observer. The position and speed of the observer are decisive. No natural phenomena is permanent. Everything varies as Time and Space are subjective.

r.b.bhaskaran - Untitled - Oil on paper

The Relativity Theory says that Universe has a beginning and an end. We know that an atom is an empty space, more or less. The constituent particles of an atom move at a very high speed. In essence, Matter is made up of atoms and objects are an array of atoms. What appear to us as shape and stillness (of an object), its essential characteristics, is nothing but a void. At the same time, the dynamic activity inside an atom gives the object its identity (called satta in Sanskrit). Vibrating motion is the basic cause of satta.The nuclear structure of an atom determines its uniqueness. Nothing stays static around us. Nothing is inactive. Everything in the Universe is in a dance, except perhaps, homo-sapiens.  Each dancer is synchronized perfectly with others. One cannot single out an individual dancer to study the secrets of synchronization. The bonding between them is to be focused first.

r b bhaskaran

Modern Physics is not yet successful in unrevealing the secrets of Cosmic Dance. The scientists cannot fully explain the interactive process of the particle world. It manifests itself in two states at the same time, in electromagnetic waves and as quantum packets. The electromagnetic waves are not three dimensional as we see on the surface of water, but “probability waves” which have all the characteristics of three-dimensional waves. It is just the probability of the particles to appear at a particular position in Space at a definite point in Time. We just cannot predict an event with respect to particles accurately. Only the possibility can be given.
Probability waves alone are not sufficient when the energy involved is quite high. Take the case for example, the particle attaining a velocity near to that of light. Only Relativity Theory can explain the situation. According to RT, the mass of a particle increases as its velocity increases. When the velocity approaches that of light, mass becomes infinite. We just can’t imagine this.

r b bhaskaran

According to Vedanta, Time & Space is the creation of Mind. Past and future do not exist. Nor does an individual. These are only surface-realities. The universe, its countless galaxies, stars, Earth and of course, you and me included. We get our character due to our inter-relation and inter-dependence with everything outside of us. It is impossible to make a demarcation between the observed, observer and the process of observation. (Triputy in Sanskrit). Strictly speaking, one is not observing, but participating.  The process influences the characteristics of the observed. In the end , the participator becomes one with the other two . 

Triputi gets dissolved.
Everything becomes One.

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