Saturday, January 22, 2022



“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Death Struggle" by Edvard Munch


Hope you know about the 20-60-20 principle.

That is, 20% of the total population tries to push the world forward.

Another 20% does just the opposite. They are criminal-minded and they make life difficult for others by scheming/usurping/manipulating things. They travel only in reverse gear!

What is worse, the remaining 60% who are good people by nature and who can make the crucial change, are always fearful.

Either they are silent or look the other way.

This attitude indirectly helps the tormenters.

Now the alignment changes to 20 vs 80.

In short, the inactive goodness of righteous people is the root-cause of all evil these days.

"Fueled by Fears and Fascinations" by Dali

Now listen to Swami Sarvapriyananda while conducting a Satsang at IIT, Kanpur

"Destiny is the situations that come to you which are beyond your control.

You didn't choose your parents.

Did you ever choose your looks?

Situation are destiny, you didn't choose them. They came to you. The situation is destined.

However, my response to those situations is my choice.

And my choice decides my future destiny.

Man is the maker of his destiny, not situations.

Situations will remain as they are. But how you respond to those situations is completely and entirely your choice.

My attitude is not destiny.

It’s my choice."


“Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear.”

Get rid of fear by cleansing impurities from your mind. That’s what one means by transcending.

Now you have the pure mind, ‘Antakarana’, which gives you the right directions at the right occasions on how to proceed.

All you need is to cultivate Love and practise Selflessness. Have a concern for everything around.

Are you ready?

Get set! And go!

Good Luck!

