Thursday, August 30, 2012


The Beginning

According to Theory of Relativity, Time and Space are relative depending on the speed of motion of the observer. They are inextricably linked together. It is impossible to separate one from the other. It proved useful in dealing particularly with objects of astronomically huge dimensions.  Quantum Physics, on the other hand, deals eminently with infinitesimal spaces like constituents of an atom where principles of classical physics are not valid. It is impossible to simultaneously measure the speed and position of a particle accurately at any given time. Quantum physics express itself only in terms of statistical probability. Besides, ‘cause & effect’ which is the ‘corner stone’ of classical physics cannot be applied to microscopic spaces.

B.M.Kamath - "Glocal Play"- water colour on paper

The classical physicists believed that Man is free and delinked from Nature and hence the process of ‘observation’ is entirely objective. In reality, there is no such ‘observation’ possible in micro-level. The process of observation seems somehow to alter the results. It may sometimes show the characteristics of a wave and, at other times, the characteristics of a particle Strangely enough, the so-called characteristic is fully dependent on the way in which we look at the particle. That is, the characteristic is dependent on the ‘observer’. Both Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics confirm this inference. The ‘observer’ is an integral part of the ‘observed’. Quantum Physics further states that the very act of ‘observing’ itself changes the truth about the ‘observed’.

Matter is not confined to a form! Its just invisible vibrations of energy in the Quantum field! Well, this is equivalent to saying that there is no fundamental difference between matter and ‘void’. Rather, ‘void’ is so full of ‘quantum activity’ where virtual particles are generated and degenerated. The ’Super String Theory’ tried to connect Time, Space and Matter. According to the ‘Theory of Chaos’, matter is capable of self-organising.  In other words, Matter is not just a ‘dead entity’ without ‘life’ as the old guard from Aristotle to Newton thought of, but it is “full of activity” and creative enough to organizing itself. In fact, sub-atomic particles are not Matter, they can be better expressed in relationships. There is no existence for a single sub-atomic particle. It cannot be understood such a way. We have got to observe the interaction between them. It is the ‘Whole’ that decides. This is not Rig Veda, but Quantum Physics.

V.Ramesh - "Be Still" - oil on canvas (2011)

Of course, Rig Veda has very many mantras expressing similar content.  See how it interprets the beginning….

There wasn’t any Sat (the feeling of self), nor Asat
No air and no Akaasa
No death, No immortality
No signs of day and night
Tat Ekam….. (It was just One)
Without any demarcation marks, like water
Covered with silence,
Transformed into Sat due to its own intrinsic worth
Into this Sat, the first trace of kama (desire) crept in
Thus the first beeja evolved from Mind.

Both Modern Physics and Vedanta don’t envisage an external power as the creator of the Universe. There is no such thing in static state according to both. Everything is dynamic and subjected to change. Jagat, the synonym in Sanskrit for Brahmanda, i.e., the consortium of planets, stars and its various life-forms, mean “always changing” literally.

Modern Cosmology states that the Universe has got starting and end-points. It is expanding as well. Sir.Bernard Lowell first formulated this model which he called ”the oscillating Universe”. According to this view, the Universe started expanding about 1400 billion years ago and when it reaches a certain stage, it changes into reverse gear and starts contracting! To put differently, starting as well as end-points of the Universe are the same! Only the names are different. The first one is called the “Big Bang Singularity” and the other is “Big Crunch Singularity”. (British Mathematician Dr. Roger Penrose researched in Theory of Relativity and arrived at “Big Crunch Singularity”). Time & Space occurred with Big-Bang and the Universe started evolving in it. However, the current indications are that the universe keeps expanding at an ever increasing rate without ending in a Big Crunch. But one can’t be sure!

At the point of “Big Bang Singularity”, all forces were unified with the result that the forces acting on matter (and matter itself) could not be separated from one another. Later on, the forces split into four, namely, gravitational force, electro-magnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force.  Physicists have been so far successful in integrating two of them, i.e. weak and strong nuclear forces. (Dr. Steven Weinberg, Dr. Glashow and Dr. Abdusalaam). Physicists believe that the Universe can be explained if they become successful in integrating all the four forces.

Vedanta calls it just “Prapancha Leela”. Take a balloon. Mark two dots on it with ink. Start inflating it. The dots evidently move apart. When the balloon is full, you open its mouth. After some time, the balloon reaches its original size. What is actually happening?  Are the dots are moving apart or falling together? What is the ultimate idea of inflation / deflation? How is it getting inflated / deflated ?

Let us keep our fingers crossed for the long awaited theory of the Scientists, “The Theory of Everything”.

V.Ramesh -"Myanmar Musings"-oil on canvas (66 x 64")

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