Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Vagbhatananda Guru (1885-1939)

What makes us different…

One can’t count the number of living-beings on this planet but it is certain that only the human race can attain perfection on account of its ability to employ wisdom. Out of, say, one lakh people only a few try to accomplish the goal. By and large, only a miniscule try the route of final destination and it’s a shame. Man gets airborne and takes pride in flying next to a bird but is he superior?  Unlike the bird, the man is supposed to know the purpose of his life.

Everybody wants to enjoy life. The owner and the slave have convergence on this point. However, the only way to acquire happiness is to live a dharmik life. 

Observe the world closely and one can see that both the static and dynamic life forms have a unique feature of selflessness about them. Their lives are basically for the sake of others. Man is no different from the rest. Each one of us has to practice selflessness. Treat all others as brethren and work for greater common good. That’s the reason why mankind is falling in line behind Buddhadeva and Kristudeva even after millenniums. Don’t put up the excuse that you don’t have the financial muscle to support the less fortunate. You may be living in a hut made of grass. Bear in mind that you are no less in rights and power compared to that of someone living in a golden bungalow. One must show one’s nerve in acquiring an open mind which is wide enough to accommodate the entire world. One must utter words reflecting the depth and seriousness of such a backdrop and must possess a robust body which could work based on the dictates of conscience. Remember that all your abilities are to be used for the benefit of the others (mahajanakshemam).  In short, the mind-set should change.

Awake, Get up and Unite! Join enmass in the festival of selflessness.

You may be well aware that today’s administrative set-up and the educational system are not capable of solving any concurrent issues.   Hence it is better to turn spiritual, to cleanse one’s mind . Follow the path’s difficulties and possibilities. One can imbibe the messages given by great masters and apply them on a practical plane. All negative vasanas are to be thrown away. Ego and jealousy are the deadliest.

We can observe a lot from nature.  See how the motherland props up both the noblest and the most despised at the same time. The sun giving equal amount of light to both the palace and the mud hut. The moon drenching both the owner as well as the slave with its gleam. The breeze that enters into the castle as well as the slum and embraces one and all. The water that removes the dirt of the learned man as well as the layman and quenches their thirst in equal measures. And finally, think of the Eternal Witness who fills everything with His grace.

Avoid hate.

You may think that all these noble talks are difficult to practice but, in the real case, they are very easy. The instruction regarding what to do (Dharma) and what not to do (adharma) is flashed into your mind as and when the need arises. Sadly, we are not prepared to listen. Our conscience is the best book for final reference, we must learn and familiarize with its guidelines. Truth is to be held aloft and slowly all negativities will wither away. Man is virtuous by nature. Nobody would like to be called an adharmic. A thief gets angry if he is called a thief and he is more than pleased when addressed as satyavan.  The natural goodness of man should be enhanced by cultivating sterling qualities like selflessness, hardwork, compassion etc.  There is no time to sit back and relax! The intellect should be extremely active. Every thought should be scrutinized. Thereafter every word and deed. Because they are going to make an impact on people.

When you set out for a task, obstacles are sure to follow. Don’t waver even while facing death. Be brave and go ahead. It’s the dharma of the courageous.

We can fill the world with such virtuous people, said Vasishta the sage.  Our five sense-organs and Mind are aligned in such a way that it can be put to good use for the benefit of the entire world. Laziness has no place in this scheme of things.
Man is great. He is seeking freedom from bondage. Retrogressive customs and blind faiths should be
discarded. Mankind can sustain its peace and happiness through modernity. As a matter of fact, such a situation is not happening in modern times. Innovations bring calamities too. Peace and happiness are still elusive. However, one has to continue the efforts with common benefit in mind. Everybody should get benefited and it should be sustained. Even death that’s the ultimate, can put one in good stead. You’re trying your bit to end the discriminations and inequalities, afterall. Great men have shown us how to set the noble ideas into practice, giving examples in love and selflessness. They were never-ending source of such ideals and spread those principles wherever they went. They were brave men who also had compassion-filled hearts, showing no hatred even to their detractors. Everybody was given access and all were taught to react spontaneously to injustice. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any time to emulate them as we were deeply mired in day-to-day existence.  Bear in mind that everything is interconnected. People are like a flower garland and if one flower is decayed, it affects others too.

Get up. Be on the move. Do your bit for cleansing the world and to give it some solace.



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