Tuesday, August 29, 2017


A World View of Your Own

Perhaps you fell into the abyss of Depression simply because you did not have a philosophy of your own. Your world-view is akin to the ballast of a hot-air balloon. It keeps you steady. Finding your own philosophy is a long drawn process. In fact, the preparation should start sufficiently early, preferably during the fag end of your education. As one finishes the degree (just to make a living in most cases), one has to undergo a phase called ‘moratorium’. This is the time for acquiring Knowledge.  Get it from various sources, from music, travel, visual arts, history, psychology, modern physics etc. You have to imbibe the spirit of religion too, the Love of Christianity, the Brotherhood of Islam, the Compassion of Buddhism, the eternal righteousness (Sanatana Dharma) of Hinduism etc.
Moratorium is a phase for purification. What’s more, one can get purified from man-woman relationship too. The advantage of Moratorium is that you’ll have a fairly good idea of what is right and what is not. You will be interested only in the kernel and sift through the chaff. And bear in mind that an open mind is the only requisite.

Gadgets -Jay Marvin
Most likely, you will be at the crossroads by the end of Moratorium. You have to find the practical application of the noble ideas you’ve absorbed. One is already convinced that cultivation of Love and practice of Selflessness is the basis of all, however, the starting point is elusive. Don’t worry! Take into consideration the underlying unity of things and your wavering withers away.  Check whether the act upholds it. A selfless act propelled by hate is to be denounced.

The ultimate purpose of human life is self-realization, no doubt! However, the path is hard and insecure. Make good use of religion at this point. Religion can give you a push towards God , it  places you into the orbit like a rocket giving the necessary thrust. Thereafter you must leave it because religion and spirituality are two different entities. The path is based on spirituality and not on religion. Even if you fall short of destination, don’t worry. You have already become a good human being. Your actions are beneficial not only to yourself but to others as well. That’s worth the effort!

Manic - Jay Marvin

You are alert and attentive. You have the power of discrimination based on your life-experience and observations. You are no longer haunted by the bitterness of the past or by the anxieties of the future.
If you distinguish between pleasure and happiness, you will be convinced that pleasure is a poor substitute for Happiness. Happiness stems from a sense of fulfillment. 

You could be a revolutionary trying to change the world or a sanyasin trying to find its meaning, ultimately the mental make-up of both are the same. One is tuned outwards whereas the other inwards. Both give a sense of fulfilment.  The seemingly strange pair constantly make an effort to denounce pleasure, as they know by gnosis that it is a poor substitute.  They also know that it is a trap, worse than quicksand which will devour you however hard you try to escape. In fact you would never try to escape even, as pleasure seekers always ask for more. Indulgence can never be through.

Rider of Meadow Hope - Jay Marvin
John Kenneth Galbraith coined the term “Marginal Men” by which he meant shortsighted people who can’t see beyond their compound walls. Expand your world-view progressively so that eventually it includes the entire Universe. Think globally (at least) and act locally. You just can’t go wrong. Align with the less fortunates and the victims. At least make a wish for their turn-around!

Treat everyone with respect. All is one! Nobody is first among equals in the larger scheme of things. Some people make a dispute here. According to them, the steps of a building and the idol inside the temple are made of the same stuff, natural stone. Do you treat them with equal respect? No. Likewise, you must discriminate among people based on their credentials. Actually, this is a fake argument.   One must see the Creator in both the outcast (chandal) and the elite. One step further, one must see the reflection of oneself in both individuals.

Harbor no hatred.

The revolutionary and the sanyasin always hook themselves on a spear, raise it to their eye-level and look straight into their own eyes. The alertness and attentiveness required is equated to that of a person trapped in a closed room with a poisonous snake!
Can you do that? If the answer is “Yes”, you’re saved!

We all chimed in - Jay Marvin
The issue is also of Freedom, the extent to which one is entitled for. Freedom has a common domain to be shared with others. This is the domain for interaction. In other words, Freedom cannot exist in vacuum. You are entitled for your freedom so long as you allow others to honor theirs.

Love and Selflessness. The issue of commodification occurs due to our failure to put it into practice. In Love, you always give and least worried about what you get (in return).  Take the case of man-woman relationship. What makes it most beautiful and unique? Even in lovemaking, the man or woman always tries his/her level-best for the complete satisfaction of his/her partner and that itself gives satisfaction for himself/herself. Because sex is all love and no lust.

Everything, not only sex, should converge to a win-win situation.


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