Sunday, June 26, 2011


                                              "At Kanyakumari", oil on canvas by Shibu Natesan (2006)

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar raises a valid objection on compartmentalisation. He as well as anybody else thinking on the right track will object to obligatory duties assigned by default to a group of people (caste). Here, in Gita according to Dr.Ambedkar, Krishna gives a warning too…that one is supposed to do swadharma (assigned duty) ONLY and any foray into paradharma is a despicable sin.  In his opinion, Gita exhorts that even bhakti is not enough. For Lord’s grace, swadharma is to be upheld and performed verbatim.  A shudra, even if he/she is a bhakta of the highest order, unless the assigned servantship to higher caste is done in full throttle, he/she is cursed forever, the coveted Mukti remains out of bounds!

Well, the controversial sloka is quoted below,

Shreyan swadharmo vigunah, paradharmat swanushtitat
Swadhrme nidhanam sreyah, paradharmo bhayavahah
                                                                Sloka 35, Chapter III, The Bhagavad Gita

It is better to do your duty as per your inherent qualities (swadharma based on your guna) than to adopt anybody else’ duty as your own.

Killing the enemy is fully justifiable in war. It brings laurels to the warrior because he performs the assigned duty (swadharma) in an efficient way. Aversion and craving while fighting it out is pardonable since it act as a propellant of sorts! Whereas, if the warrior Arjuna gets resigned to sanyasa out of dejection, he is committing a double error. He will remain an unresolved bundle of desires in shaven head and saffron clothing. The society too has to take the beating in this case. In short, the switch-over affects both the warrior and the society in a negative way.

In other words, the sloka urges you to be on your own. Role-models are NOT for you! There is no need for “waiting for someone or something to show you the way”. One has to find it, on one’s own.

Dr.Ambedkar questions the Karma part also, especially the “anasakti yoga” involved therein; he terms it as “cancerous growths”.  Since this is already explained in one of the earlier posts, I am not going into details. However, a clarification can still be given in the  final post next month.

Now, for the ultimate riddle, Maya. The secret of Maya is the final riddle of existence.  Personally speaking, I am not bothered! One can lead a fairly meaningful life without cracking Maya. There are ever so many burning issues faced by us which require our immediate attention and intervention and hey presto, we are doing precious little!

Maya lies somewhere in the bottom of my priority list.

You are welcome to comment.

         Babu Xavier -Untitled- Mixed media on paper -(2006)

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