Sree Narayana Guru series -2
Once Sree Narayana Guru (1856 - 1928) was
travelling through a public space. During those times, the backward caste
people as well as Dalits didn’t have the freedom to travel. They could do it on
the sly. If they happened to be in the immediate vicinity of the path of the
higher castes, they have had done an unpardonable sin! To add insult to injury,
they were banished from the thoroughfare near to all major temples. The
distance from other public roads in order to escape from the eye-sight of the
elites varied as per the hierarchy! Ezhavas with minimum distance followed by
Dalits and for those outside the Varna system (“Chandals”), it was unspeakable.
A Namboodiri (Kerala brahmin)
didn’t like the audacity of the Guru refusing to take deviation. He asked,
“Hey, what’s your caste?”
Without batting an eye-lid,
Guru retorted,
“If you don’t make out by
seeing (me), how are you going to realise by hearing (me)?”
Of course, this is a highly philosophical
answer. The guru aims at “Pragnana”, i.e., Consciousness!
In another occasion, after he
was known widely, he was invited to a Devi temple. He went there though he didn’t
believe much in rituals. The “Velichappad” (main priest) didn’t like Guru’s demeanor. He went
into a trance and approached Guru as if possessed by the Goddess!
“Do you know what can I do to
you”, the old man blurted out in a fit of rage.
Sree Narayana Guru was
“If you’re so powerful, let me
see at least some teeth in your mouth”
Guru had definite ideas on
Religion, Caste and Spirituality.
Let’s probe his ideas on
Religion and Spirituality first.
One gets his/her first brush
with spirituality through one’s religion. The experience is supposed to be a
pleasant one, rigidity has no bearing there. Religion should ideally give you
an internal discipline. To keep your indulgences, particularly those in connection
with food and sex, under check. Nobody is asking you to abstain.
Sree Narayana Guru believed
that the focus should be always on making the human-being better. Otherwise,
he/she is likely to slide downhill. As we all know, everybody is seeking Ananda
(Bliss) irrespective of religion. Forget Bliss, even Happiness is difficult to come by, as we
have to work upon our Mind with the only tool available with us; i.e., Mind
itself! Not an easy task by any reckoning! Naturally one goes for the cheap
substitute, pleasure.
Guru wrote
“അഖിലരുമാത്മസുഖത്തിനായ് പ്രയത്നം
സകലവുമിന്നു സദാപി ചെയ്തീടുന്നു.
Religion is a special-purpose
vehicle to launch you for the long and arduous journey for everlasting
happiness. All religions have the same
long-term objective. Arrive at the end-point where peace and happiness are at
steady-state. Religions equip you with
the accessories and travel-guide so that you can and go dig it yourself!
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Sree Narayana Guru (1856 - 1928) |
Narayana Guru says
“ജീവാത്മാക്കൾക്ക് ഊർധ്വമുഖത്വം ഉണ്ടാക്കുവാനുള്ള അധികാരമേ മതങ്ങൾക്കുള്ളൂ. അതുണ്ടായിക്കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ സൂക്ഷ്മം അവർ താനേ അന്വേഷിച്ചു കണ്ടെത്തിക്കൊള്ളും. സൂക്ഷ്മം അറിഞ്ഞവന് മതം പ്രമാണമല്ല .മതത്തിന് അവൻ പ്രമാണമാണ്.”
Religion is authorized to give a forward thrust to jeevatmas so that they can start searching for the subtle. One who knows the subtle no longer comes under the purview of religion. In fact, religion should take cues from such a person. She/he is beyond religion.
(to be continued)