Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Conversations  -  1
Vagbhatananda Guru (1885 - 1939)
In his whirlwind lecture tours, Vagbhatananda Guru has interacted with the sceptics, religious die-hards and general public with the same vigour. He has compiled his interactions based on common questions posed to him. A character named Rama is the questioner. The answers are given by another mythical icon – Krishna. Perhaps the Guru has deliberately chosen such names to demystify the entire episode. He had published these imaginary question-answer sessions later for greater clarity.
(The printed matter has been edited for brevity).
Here it goes.....

Rama : Friend, I am really sad that you don’t have any faith in God.
Krishna : Who gave you such an idea, dear?
Rama :  Its quite evident. You have been giving lectures throughout negating the existence of Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma etc. Isn’t it enough?
Krishna : These idols don’t deserve to be treated as gods! There is someone else who created all these forms and I believe in Him So, I am the real believer. You people believe in secondary objects.  In that sense, you aren’t exactly a devotee.
Rama : Stop that! You mean to say that visible forms such as Shiva, Vishnu etc. are transient?
Krishna : Buddy, anything which has a form is transient. Take the example of an earthen pot. It has got a form. Hence it is perishable.The pot-maker is its creator. Likewise, the Trimurtis too have got distinctive forms and they can’t last forever! And who is their Creator? None other than the God himself.
Rama : What a nerve! You are saying that the Lord is subjected to birth and death! This is pure arrogance.
Krishna : Dear friend, if they are not dead, they ought to be visible to us. Why isn’t this happening?
Rama : You must be imagining things. Only virtuous souls can have the privilege to behold them. We are terrible sinners and we can’t even dream of having their darshan.
Krishna : Are we lesser than demons like Ravana?
Rama: Not that ! We are anyday better than demons like him. They have done all sorts of sins – homicide, fratricide, everything! We just cannot go that far !
Krishna : That’s precisely the point! Sinners like Ravana could see Lord Shiva in person whereas people like us fail to do so though we are not-so-acute-sinners! You just throw away your belief in personal gods! Grow beyond forms and believe in an entity who is eternal and formless. Stop giving sermons till then!
Rama : People like you should be guided properly. Please stop your blasphemy.  God is all powerful. He has immense affections towards his devotees. Though he is formless, he takes certain methods to bless his devotees. Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu etc. are such devices. Don’t scoff at them. In fact, you should venerate them in order to get  God’s blessings. Got it?
Krishna : See…All powerful God needn’t have to take role as an actor to bless his devotees. If he takes the role of Lord Shiva, he is not as powerful as claimed.
Rama : You see, it is one of his ‘leelas’!
Krishna : God can bless his devotees even with a mere wish to that effect. He doesn’t have to enact any role just to please his devotees. You just said God was all powerful. Then why assign lesser roles to Him?
Rama : God is entitled to do whatever he feels like doing. One just can’t impose restrictions.
Krishna : In fact, you’re delimiting His power. In order to bless his devotees, the omnipotent takes a transient, less powerful form! What’s the need, may I ask? He can very well uplift or downgrade the world if he wishes so.
Rama : I told you, that’s just his “Leela”! If he dons the role of a savior, what’s wrong in it? His greatness doesn’t get diminished the least bit.
Krishna : He takes the role of an actor because he is unable to perform his functions on his own. Ideally, he should be able to do his functions in a state of formlessness.
Rama : Of Course, he is capable of doing it. However, his devotees want him perform various actions taking a particular form. He always obliges his devotees. This characteristic has only endeared him.
Krishna : Sorry to say that the reverse is true. No real devotee will ever try to humiliate him by limiting him to lesser forms. A devotee cannot overdo his faith.

Sayed haider Raza - "Banares"

Rama : In fact, you are the one who doesn’t have faith. Have you heard about the killing of Hiranya Kasipu? He was all set to kill Prahlada but God took the form of Narasimha, pounded upon Hiranay Kasipu and finished him off.
Krishna : All that crap! Do you believe in them? At this rate, you’re inclined to believe all that’s written in novels.
Rama : What do you mean? You can’t compare novels with puranas. In any case, I believe in Narasimhavatar.
Krishna : Do you think it is right to pounce on a living being with  out-stretched claws and nails? Such behavior belongs to animals. Certainly not godly. As a matter of fact, God cannot take sides. The good as well as the bad are his creations. He cannot favour one and annihilate the other.
Rama : He will go to any extent to serve his devotees.  He will take the avatar of Narasimha it serves his devotee in distress. Your blasphemy cannot shake my belief the least bit.
Krishna : Fine. Please ask him to take an avatar right now. Let’s see what happens!
Rama : You think it’s a joke? An avatar is a serious affair.
Krishna : Cut it short, brother! Don’t think that God is all too pleased to descend as avatar at the drop of a hat! Had it been so, he would have taken many more avatars by now. People are suffering in our country, they are waging a relentless war for independence. You yourself had participated in the civil disobedience movement. When the police had beaten you mercilessly, why didn’t you ask your favourite God to make an appearance? It could have easily vanquished the oppressors.
Rama : Don’t think that you’ve won the argument. There is no space for argument in Bhakti. I was just trying to make my point that god will go to any length just to bless his devotees.
Krishna : Don’t say like that! If he were serious, the time is ripe for yet another avatar. We are all desperately seeking his intervention. Injustice reigns supreme in the length and breadth of our country. Even the most die-hard devotees are desperately seeking his divine intervention. Where is it happening?
Rama : You are getting on my nerves! I would have handled you properly, had it not been under the British rule.
Krishna : See, the cat is out of the bag! You are scared of the British and not exactly worried about the Gods! The Gods will look the other way if you break the laws but the British will take you to task! See how very thin your so-called belief in God!

                                                        Source : "The Collected Works of Vagbhatananda Guru"
                                                                       Published by the Mathrubhumi Books
                                                                       (Pages 446 - 457)
                                                                       Originally published in 1930
