Saturday, February 28, 2015


Making Mistakes & Feeling alright 

Here is what Osho says.

Everybody has to make errors. Doing a wrong thing is good for you. One can be reassured that one is still a human-being! Why do you want to become a Super-man or someone like an Avatar? Both are boring. Being a human-being is beautiful. Commit blunders, then! There is nothing wrong in committing mistakes!

k p krishnakumar - "monkey"-coloured wood- 1984
Somehow, people have a feeling that wronging is dreadful. One single mishap and you've had it. So you become over-cautious and start pushing your body to the extreme.  In spite of all these precautions, you are most likely to slip-up and that’s the end!  You are thrown into an open-ended abyss. You feel worthless and dejected.  Now you’re shifting the focus to the repentance part.  Let me be damned…….

See, there is no need to carry the cross. Why should you feel guilty?  Don’t repeat the same mistake, that’s the only thing you should bear in mind.  You cannot slip twice.  In other words, you should make only fresh mistakes!  One grows with them, in fact.

Find your ways to make at least one new mistake everyday! Try it out! Make or buy mistakes! Enjoy yourself.

It’s human to err. You’re a human-being, after all. Don’t harbour any esoteric ideals in mind, your evolution will be at a standstill.

k p krishnakumar- The tragedy of a lone revolutionary - 1985

Osho is all set to get a standing ovation at this point. Not because he is playing to the gallery. His prescription is just the sweet stuff that we always wanted.  A cushy life without taking up any responsibilities. Nobody is willing to walk an extra mile. At the same time we wouldn't forgo our share in the cake, no way.  In fact, leading a meaningful life is as difficult as walking on “a barber’s razor”! You have to take a conscious effort, update continuously and correct your ways in real-time.

 ‘Open your eyes and wake up your ears’! Observe what’s happening around you. Learn from Nature. You’ll find that everything is connected.  Everything has a purpose. You cannot discriminate between two life-forms, let alone two human-beings!  You’ll soon discover there is a collective momentum created by individual life-forces which is called Rthm in Sanskrit. Our actions should be conductive to Rthm. Never ever retard it. If you do so, it becomes a mistake. One’s action aiding Rthm is always right. In other words, Right and Wrong are NOT relative.

Applying Rthm at ground level is next to impossible, you might wonder. Try this prescription. Take up an issue.  There will be more than one stake-holder. Sometimes it so happens that some stake-holders are not visible. Find out the major stake-holder. The decision should be in his/her/their favour.

How can you make a mistake at this juncture? Simply not possible.

If you find the procedure rather difficult, there exists an alternative.

Contribute more to the world than what you take from it. Lead a simple life. One gets increasingly purified. One’s mind will be cleared of impurities. In those testing times when you are stuck for an answer, the same will be flashed across your mind. Do accordingly and you’ll be right.

Anybody can do some right things in life. No big deal! To do the right things  continually without making mistakes  is great indeed!
