Bhooshundan, The Enlightened Crow
No ordinary crow, this. Bhooshundan. One with an unusually
large belly with an unproportional neck and two slender legs to carry all
those. He got his unusual name by virtue of his ability to traverse through the
worlds. He had his abode on a Kalpavriksha , in a hollow facing south at the top of the tree . The tree was supplementing the beauty of the valley of the
mountain called “Meru”.
Bhooshundan had done away with cravings and aversions and
lived like Brahma, the Creator. Always contended and fulfilled. Anybody with
such a bent of mind is destined to live forever.
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People were talking about him. Even in heaven, in a
celestial auditorium with no name, Muni Satatapa was giving a lecture on
eternal living. Muni Agasthya was there too, in the audience. (Not to be
confused with the one appeared in the first story Leela, the Husband & the
Well, I would rather go and meet this bird , Agasthya
thought, It’s a long time since we met.
He made a bee-line to Meru Valley.
Bhooshundan was comfortably accommodated in a branch. So many birds were also staying with him in
branches, leaves, flowers and buds! Little swans, newly born and on a diet of
fresh lotus-strings were moving around singing Sama-Veda. (Note: Swan is the
mode of transportation for Brahmi Devi. Like the rat to Lord Ganesha). There were parrots, cuckoos, peacocks et al
chanting various mantras. The oft- repeated key word was swahah! The peacocks
were amazingly knowledgeable in Shaiva Vijgnana
advised to them by their master, Lord Muruga.
A meeting was in progress, presided by Bhooshundan. He was infinite grace solidified.
Muni Vasishta just walked in without waiting for permission.
His entry caused quite a stir. Like wind
to a lotus-lake. Bhooshundan sprang up on his legs.
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Most welcome, Sir
Bhooshundan ushered in the unexpected guest with
kusumanjali. As he didn't have hands to do archana, he created a pair of them with
The pleased guest felt as if golden flowers were being
showered on him by the clouds!
Next, Bhooshundan collected a leaf from the mother-tree and
placed it in front of the Muni.
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Kindly honour us. Please be seated.
The Rishi offered himself at the receiving end. Poojas
followed. His feet were washed and the best fruits were brought in. Serene
music filled the air.
We’re blessed forever by your darshan, Sir. Bhooshundan said softly.
We have been waiting.
Kindly favour us with your order, O Bhagwan
Bhooshundan being a Trikalajnan , was privy to the
happenings in the past, present and future ! In fact he knew that Agasthya
would be arriving. And that's not all, the Muni too was a Thrikalajnan in his
own right.
O Mahatman, he addressed Bhooshundan, You are always in the
know of things. Yes, I just came to meet
you. I have a doubt. Kindly clear it if you don’t mind.
He went on to ask an array of questions to Bhooshundan.
How old are you ?
Inclined to give us a bit of your background? Family
history, rather…
How did you land up on this Kalpatharu? Is there a reason?
How did you manage to realize the Truth?
You’re a Chiranjeevi, after all. Share with us some of the high points of the
life lived so far…
Bhooshundan was neither excited nor crest-fallen. He was
feeling neutral.
O great Sage, nobody can refuse your order. In fact we are
honoured by answering all these questions.
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You might have seen the Bhootaganas of Lord Shiva. They are
quite grotesque. Some have hoof on their heads (and vice versa), some have
teeth on their hands and what not…They have heads of monkey, camel and elephant
riveted to their torso. Lord Shiva has a loyal following of the Devi kind too.
Both Bhoothagana and Devi reside everywhere…at the sky, at the mountain-tops,
on cremation grounds, in the bodies of various creatures…..
The female group is led by eight Nayikas named Jaya, Vijaya,
Jayanti, Aparajita, Siddha, Rakta, Alampusha and Ulpala. All others follow these Ashta Nayikas .
Alampusha was first among equals. She was well- known too, partly on account of
her vehicle Chantdan. A crow who could match Indraneela mountain in
strength and size ! Once Ashta Nayikas had a ball in heaven and they lived it
up fully. Plenty of music, dance and wine. The birds who were carrying lesser gods
were also allowed in. Brahmi Devi had a she-swan as her vehicle and all of them
had fun with the formidable Chantdan.It was an orgy of sorts. Without exception, everybody got pregnant in due course. They conveyed
the matter in detail to Brahmi Devi who
in turn advised them to take rest. The Boss gave them a break from duties till
delivery was over. Dismissing her helpers from sight, the Devi entered into a deep
The she-swans gave birth to twenty-one crow siblings at the lake
named Brhmasarass. Bhooshundan was one among them.
The siblings too were fond of Brahmi Devi. When she came out
of meditation they used to nurse her. The Devi got so pleased that she advised
them the Tatwa (Knowledge intended for
Liberation) at the right time. Bhooshundan became a Jeevanmukta thus. (One who
is liberated from all bondage while functioning as a normal being).The Chantdan
children became a satisfied and fulfilled lot and wanted a tranquil place for
contemplation. They approached their father for advice and he suggested
the Meru valley.
Having answered most of the questions posed by Muni Agastya,
the great Bird continued to do pooja in his guest's honour.
Mahatman, Where are your brothers? They are also a realised
lot,as I understand
Bhooshundan replied,
O Master, We have been staying here for quite some time. Several yuga
and kalpa have passed. All my brothers left their body when they felt it was not useful anymore.
Time is a great leveler!
It devours the bold & the beautiful, the good, bad &
ugly, the rich & the famous, the power-wielders and glitterati, the
poorest of the poor. the rarest of the rare…..
Bhooshundan, How come you’re exempted?
Mahatman, I too will leave, during the end of Kalpas
when all machinations of Jagat stop. The whole Universe will disappear but I
shall have reached Paramapada by then. I would stay still like in
sushupti.When the new Universe is formed anew and gets going, I shall re-enter
taking the shape of the crow.
As you’re aware, Maha Muni, everything is cyclic.
That’s true, Vasishta said, Can you explain why other yogis
are not following this pattern?
Niyati, Sir. Nature has its ways which occur as per
it’s rules. The impact varies from person to person.
(Inference: God doesn't assign neither empowerment nor karma to any
being. One is at a certain level by virtue of one’s own (combination of) gunas.)
The prana takes the long journey through the manadala (guna
combination) like a lone traveler. Prana
is free to select any mandala where it can stay or it can resume journey. However,
prana is bound to act as per the rules governing guna-mandalas. It can
consciously make an effort and reach at any mandala of its choice.
That’s fine, Vasishta said. Now can you recollect a few
Bhooshundan obliged.
Sir, the earth was looking quite different. There was a time
when it’s surface was so full of big trees and rocks. Just that! No grass, no
plants. Yet another time when there was no mountains or forests. For eleven
thousand years, the earth was covered with only with dust. The whole place was
covered with thick forest for four yugas in a row. For the next chatur-yuga, it
was not the case.
Coming to think of people, there was a time when all Brahmins were drunkards. Interestingly, the sudras were teetotalers.
I remember the birth of Sun and Moon, the formation of
I remember your birth too, Maha Muni. You have gone through
seven previous lives. We have met in each life.Sometimes you took birth from sky, sometimes from water….from
mountains and from fire….
I have seen pralaya five times
Hundred kaliyugas have passed before my eyes . Each time the
intelligence of people on Earth varied..
Sir, everything is transient. Like bubbles in water.
Yes I know. And Vasishta asked his last question.
To live a happy life in this transient world, what would you
All is one. No me & you.
Take up the hard way. Give up comforts. In the end, give up “I-ness”
Sir, Bhooshundan said, I have answered all your questions.
Not out of impudence . I was obeying your orders.