Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stories from Yogavasishtam

Imagine world-renowned physicists quoting extensively from a queer book from India written circa 600 AD in Sanskrit. As usual, this book too dwells at length the modus operandi for realizing the Truth, its various characteristics, the impediments involved and the practical tips for a smooth sail. Obviously this stuff can’t be the core area of interest for scientists. In fact, their attention is riveted to the stories contained in the book which help them have a better understanding on the four dimensions, i.e., Time, Space, Energy and Mind.  These stories are quite baffling and defy logic in the normal scheme of things. Not to worry. Read them anyway and you may be able to get the key to decode them sometime later. That may well turn out to be the starting point.

The stories appear here as in the same order as given in the abridged form, named Laghuyogavasishtam .  The sage-poet author, who had not affixed his name to the great work, had written 32000 odd slokas in Sanskrit which was edited to 6000 slokas for brevity by a Kashmiri scholar named Abhinand (circa 900 AD).

The first story deals with the theme of rebirth. In effect, it explains the illusory nature of Time.

B.V.Suresh-untitled-acrylic on canvas

Leela, Husband & the Devi

Once there lived a king who “acted as Manasasarass to all swans of virtues and remained as fireball to all grass of vices. All misfortunes fled away from his path like darkness in front of sun”. His name was Padman. His had a goddess-like wife, Queen Leela. They had a wonderful time together, so much so that Leela wanted to avoid the death of her husband and extend the nice time on earth at least for a thousand years more.She also wanted to stall the ageing process. The resident scholars were summoned. To her dismay, they said it was just not possible.

One can acquire siddhis (special powers to carry out amazing feats like walking on water, rejuvenating dead trees etc.) but death is unavoidable.

She didn't get bogged down, however. She undertook moderate tapas to please Goddess Saraswati without the knowledge of her husband. Leela ate once in three days, recited mantras, meditated for long hours and remained pure in thoughts and actions. After three hundred nights, Goddess Saraswati appeared in front of her ready to grant anything that the bhakta asked for.

Leela had two ideas in mind; she wanted to block the exit of her husband’s jeeva (life-force) at the time of his death so that it remains near her (inside the palace). Additionally,she wanted unhindered access to the Devi with a mere wish to that effect.
Goddess Saraswati said ‘Tadastu’ (Yes) and vanished like “waves into the sea”.

As years went by, time was up for King Padman and he died. Leela felt like a “dehydrated lotus stem” and almost created a scene. The Devi appeared in front of her "like the first shower during severe drought".

You keep your hubby’s body in flowers. It won’t decay. The Goddess said.
One day you would be able to reunite with him.

Leela obeyed the order verbatim. She approached the Goddess again and asked,

O Devi, please tell me….Where is my husband right now? What is he doing? How does he appear like? Kindly enlighten...

The Devi replied.

You have to seek the answers yourself, Leela. You have to qualify first. As you’re aware, the perception about Universe is all false and one has to transcend the state which is not real. I can’t straightaway place you there bypassing the intermediate steps. You have to earn your grades the hard way.

Leela did accordingly and tried Nirvikalpa Samadhi. She had the out-of –body-experience and felt like a flying bird. She found her husband in another realm holding the durbar at the center-stage surrounded by lesser kings at the west, advisor-rishis at the east, the army chiefs at the north and beautiful girls fanning the King at the south. Scholars and musicians were also in attendance.They were singing litanies in praise of the ruler. She could also locate so many friends and servants who used to frequent royal durbar. The king was in his youthful best, irresistible to women and Leela couldn’t contain her. She traveled back to her body and remembered the Devi.  Leela desperately wanted to clarify a doubt.

O Devi…how is that I could see my dead husband in a life-like situation? Is it real?

Goddess Saraswati replied.

Its beyond common grasp and don’t split your hair. Bear in mind that the sankalpa (thoughts) at the time of death determine the next life.

Listen! You were Arundhati, wife of Vasishta* in the previous birth. There was a place called Girigramam by the foot of the mountain with plentiful rivers and thick forests. A scholarly Brahmin led a quiet life there and you were his life-companion. One evening, Vasishta was taking a walk and he chanced to see the King with his entourage on a hunting-spree.  Vasishta was bewitched by the sight; he fell for the trappings of power. Though he continued to lead an austere life, his mind wavered as the visuals of the King’s hunt haunted him. 

Just like you, Arundhatitoo was crest-fallen during Vasishta’s final hours and prayed to me intensely. She too wanted to block her husband’s soul as she too desperately wanted to be with him. Vasishta died but the subtle jeeva couldn't take its path. As Vasishta was being cremated, Arundhati jumped into the funeral pyre and ended her life. Since the Brahmin had a strong attachment to power, he was reborn as a king. Naturally you became his wife due to your craving for his presence.

Today is the eighth day of their demise, at the Girigramam.

Goddess Saraswati concluded.

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The explanation added to the confusion. Leela couldn't make out a thing. She asked,

O Devi, how is it possible? My husband and I have been around for several years whereas the Vasishtas died just eight days back. There is hardly any time gap…

To this valid question, the Devi replied,

The only thing which is real is Consciousness (chidaakaasa). The creation itself is an illusion. You create the world in a dream, is it real? You experience linear time in a dream; when you wake up, the scales are no longer the same. Eight days of one realm can be equal to several years in another realm. Perceptions and images (sankalpa) work with Consciousness and you get the illusory feeling of the Universe. Consciousness is like a mirror. Sankalpas get reflected….so much so that even a cell or an atom can hold an entire Universe within.

Leela got an inkling of the illusory nature of time.

She wanted to see the status of the Brahmin couple, Vasishta and Arundhati.

She knew it was impossible to see the subtle worlds with a gross, physical body. She already had taken rigorous tantric exercises to keep her body fully satwik so that she can take a subtle shape and travel. In such a state, all desires cease to exist and one becomes free (jeevanmukta).

bv suresh - mural painting

Thus the Devi and Leela traversed through Space and reached the abode of the Brahmin couple. The place was still grieving with tears rolling down from many eyes. The house was all “shattered like a lightning struck tree”.
The two ladies wanted to make them visible to the crowd.
And the two of them got embodied and appeared before the crest-fallen people. Their presence enlightened the whole place.
Arundhati’s eldest son greeted them and welcomed respectfully with flowers. Others joined.

Kindly save us from the grief, they pleaded. We have lost everything.  
The son approached Leela. She touched his forehead and all his worries vanished. Others too were relieved.

It was time to leave..
On their way back, Leela asked the Devi,

O Goddess, when I went to take a look at my husband, he couldn't see me. Now that my son (of the previous birth) could easily notice me. Why is it so ?
