Thursday, September 27, 2012


The Beginning (Contd.)

What is the nature of this Universe? How did it get originated?

Both Modern Physics and Vedanta try to try to resolve these eternal queries. The primal cause is the same. Modern Physics call it ‘Singularity” (primordial matter / atom) whereas according to Vedantins, its Brahma.

Anuradha Nalapat -"Tree of Life" -Oil on canvas- 2010

The Scientists use instruments like spectroscopes, particle accelerators, state-of –the- art telescopes to observe gross and subtle matter. The inference (knowledge) is recorded in Mathematical language. A mathematical model is simulated. This model is made use of in predicting results of future experiments. The experiment should validate the theory. In such a case, it can be written in ordinary language and explained. Interestingly, the Vedantins never look outwards. They turn their attention to their self in a meditative state. This cannot be achieved overnight. One has to take efforts , like a Scientist , diligently over a long period. Strangely enough, both Physicists and Vedantins emphatically converge at a starting point which they find non-dual. See how they wrote it down.
Anuradha Nalapat--"Whoa! Its the edge"- Oil on canvas -2009

Let us have a look first at the Shantimantra of Easavasyopanishad. It correlates between the visible Universe and invisible Brahma. The translation goes something like this…

In the beginning (pralaya), there was only Brahma. The thing is complete in itself. Thus from the cause of Brahma, the effect of Universe takes place which is also complete in itself. Like a burning lamp. You light another one and it does not anyway diminish the completeness of the former. The second one is equally complete so that you can’t even distinguish. Brahma remains in its completeness evenif you destroy what is created.

Anuradha Nalapat - "Wham ! Wham!"- Oil on canvas -2010

Now see how this can be written down in Maths which is the language of Modern Physics.

Just substitute Completeness (1) with Nothingness (0)

0 – 0 = 0
0 + 0 = 0
∞- ∞ = 0
∞ + ∞ = 0
∞ + n = ∞
∞ - n = ∞
n x ∞ = ∞

(Note: when you substitute completeness with sunya (not just zero as we did for Nothingness, but Boolean Zero), we arrive at the Buddhist Philosophy. The ultimate Truth is Sunyatha which is Brahman itself . It is life and it is ananda. Sunyatha is nothing but ananda.

Anuradha Nalapat -"Whoa ! Whoa !" - Oil on canvas - 2010
Now its time we listened to US scientist Edward Tryon who formulated the theory Vacuum Genesis. Everything originated from Nothingness, he also says. A particle which is astronomically heavy can emerge from Vacuum, he adds. Do you think it is well-neigh impossible? Not so !You know that, as per the law of conservation of Energy, the total energy in the Universe is zero. Add up the energy during Big-Bang, light energy from stars, energy equivalent of the mass (of stars as well as planets) and what you get is a huge positive figure. The omnipresent gravitational force is negative. If you take Earth or any other object, the potential of the gravitational field will be equal to its energy equivalent. That is, the two positive and negative figures cancel out each other.
In such a situation, what is the hitch in emerging of a Universe out of nothing?

In a nutshell, we have our Universe well before Big-Bang! Its quite possible.
